Sunday, October 24, 2010

Wieman Family Pictures

The sun was an enemy, and if you ask Gary, the wind was too! :)  Enjoy!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Okay, so the Huskers didn't play to their full potential...we all know that!  Anyway, I still love my Huskers!!! :) GBR!!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Mr. & Mrs. Fisher!

10.09.10 <3 :)

First of all, what a gorgeous, perfect weekend for a wedding!  Nellie Barry finally became Nellie Fisher, a moment she had been waiting for.  The wedding ceremony and reception was held in Lincoln's own Grand Manse.  Here are some pictures from the night. Congrats guys!

--Here's a cool shot of a Grand Manse hallway.

--Ohhh, the party glasses! :) Gotta love it..

--As I'm trying to get this shot, the guy next to me tells me "We've been trying to get the elevators to line up for days now... good luck!" HA! ...It took less than 5 minutes.

--The best man cleans up well. :)

--This picture really brings out their personalities.. ;)

--Some of the Fast family enjoying dinner.


Sunday, October 3, 2010

& its called homecoming...

Yep, you know you're an official "alumni" of West Point Central Catholic when homecoming rolls around and YOU aren't the one spending money on the dress...the shoes...the flowers...etc.  My baby sisters are now big, bad freshmen! How crazy is that!?!  I was happy to see some fellow class of 2010-ers!

AHHH!! I MISS THESE KIDS SO MUCH! My Nathan and my Maddie.

Tatem and Ashley at the football game. :)....and now the ACTUAL homecoming photos begin! What beautiful identical twin sisters I have! :)

--just love her expression in this one. that's all.

The twinners and their dates!

Okay, okay... so I was pretty proud of their hairdos! :) I'm a lifesaver to say the least...

Madison's hair...... and now Makenna's!

CLASS OF 2010 representin' :)

Cheers to Devon and Megan(my #1 blog follower)...they totally deserved the honor of a blog spot this weekend! Miss you Megan! :)