Monday, September 27, 2010


Self portraits = homework this week.  Here are my fun and not-so-traditional favs. :)


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Adam & Nellie

I don't think we could have picked a windier day to shoot these pictures, guys! That's okay, thanks for being troopers anyway! Here are some of my personal favorites from last night.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Last Fling 'Till Spring Car Show

It is almost as big as the Cuming County fair.  Its an annual thing back in my hometown of West Point, NE.  I was told to just skip my ten year class reunion -- because my entire graduating class will be in town for the car show.  Not sure if that will ring true or not, but anyway, here are some of my fav's from the cold, fall-weather-like day. Enjoy!

mmmmmmmm... can you smell it?

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

& the thunder rolls....

As I stepped outside my dorm building tonight, I was greeted by a WALL of black clouds.  I immediately got my camera out and shot a few pictures before the rain hit my precious lens.  Luckily, I didn't have too far to walk.. ;)

Digital Photography Class!

At class on on Tuesday night we played around with the greatest invention ever.  They call it a "reflector" and its basically the bomb.  Its main purpose is to reflect the natural light from the sun onto the shadowed faces of our lovely models.  More than likely, a reflector will be my next purchase towards my Nikon... :)  Here are some shots from Tuesday night.

Sunday, September 5, 2010


As the first Saturday in September rolls around, Lincoln's population is quite a rapid rate!  Men and women come from all over the place to see the glorified Nebraska football team take over Memorial Stadium. It's funny how the campus atmosphere suddenly changes on game day.  It goes from quiet and peaceful to loud and RED...and I mean A LOT of red.  Some call it a game...some call it the Sea of Red...I call it HUSKER NATION. :)

Here are some quick photos from the game -- Western Kentucky vs. Nebraska.

I thought it would be neat to see how the stadium fills up... so every couple of minutes I shot a picture and got this awesome effect!

We know how to have a good time!